Premium Collection – Brochure Fundraiser

Selling Prices: $16.00, $17.00 & $18.00
Setup Costs: FREE
Availability: In Stock
Profit: 40% Profit
Free Shipping: Yes*
(minimums apply)

Cookie Dough Fundraisers Are Profitable & Fun

In addition to being the most popular pre-portioned cookie dough fundraiser, these delicious cookies are also the best fundraising value out there, bar none. The Goodies Factory pre-portioned cookie dough is ready to bake. Each 2.5 lb. box contains 40 (1oz.) frozen cookie dough pucks. Just place on a cookie sheet and bake. In a few minutes you'll have the most scrumptious fresh-baked cookies you can imagine. We also have the lowest resale prices out there at $16.00, $17.00 and $18.00 with a “NO TIER PRICING STRUCTURE". Also, since this is a pre-order cookie dough fundraiser, you get high profits with no risk. Refer to our minimums for free shipping below under “Why Choose the Goodies Factory?”.

Why Choose The Goodies Factory?

  • We are the manufacturer
  • There is no middle man marking up your cost and reducing your profit
  • Minimum order for free shipping are the states in gray
  • There are never any shortages or substitute items
  • Always in stock

Anyone Can Sell!

Whether it's a school trip or new uniforms for your baseball team, anyone can do a fundraiser. The fundraisers aren't limited to only the one's schools and organizations put on. You're allowed to individually fundraise for your organization by yourself. You set up the fundraiser, you do the selling, and you earn the profits!

Fundraising Benefits

    • NO MONEY UP FRONT – There is no cost to get started!
    • FREE SELLING MATERIALS – We provide all the selling materials absolutely free. We furnish color brochures, prize flyers, posters and cover letters for all of your sellers at no cost to your organization.
    • AVAILABLE ANY TIME OF THE YEAR – We have a fundraising program that is perfect for any season- Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring. We are a year-round fundraising company and will find a program that is perfect for your organization.
    • FREE SHIPPING – Free shipping to schools/organizations as long as you meet the low minimum of at least 150 units.
    • INCENTIVE PROGRAMS – Our incentive programs are designed to motivate sellers to participate in the fundraiser. We offer cumulative prize programs, cash back incentive, popcorn and much more. Ask your representative for more details.
    • PACKING OPTIONS – We offer different packing options depending on the brochure selection and the needs of your organization. Pre-packaged per seller orders are available in most cases. If you have a group of volunteers you can take your order bulk, but it will still be picked to the piece to avoid any left overs.
